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No one knows exactly whether they liked it better in spring or in winter.
They used to pretend that they were travelers exploring a new country with
lush vegetation (茂盛的草木) and bright yellow daffodils (水仙花) dotting the
field, and would drop leaves on the road that they might find their way back
again. Everything seemed amazing and appealing.
When the ice was thick and firm, they went across the pond. But their
mother did not like to have them do this unless someone was with them.
"Don't go across the pond today, children," she said, as she kissed them and
bade them goodbye one morning. "It is beginning to melt. It can be
"All right, mother," said David, though not very good-naturedly, for he
was very fond of running and sliding on the ice.
When they came to the pond, the ice looked hard and safe. "There," said
he to his sister, "I knew it hadn't melted any. Mother is always afraid we shall
be drowned. Come along, and we will have a good time sliding. The school
bell will not ring for an hour at least."
"But you promised mother," said Susan.
"No, I didn't. I only said 'All right,' and it is all right, "said David, holding
his head high.
"Oh, well, I didn't say anything; so I can do as I like," said Susan. So, they
stepped on the ice without any delay, and started to go across the pond
merrily. They had not gone far before the ice gave way, and they fell into the
chilly water all at once.
"Help! Help!" they both cried for help in panic.
1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
Paragraph 1:
A man who was at work near the shore heard the screams of the children.
Paragraph 2:
David and Susan went home almost frozen.
A man who was at work near the shore heard the screams of the
children.Sensing something urgent, (Doing 做原因状语)he turned to the
direction where the screams came(where 引导的定从),only to find the two
kids struggling in the water.(only to do 表示一种出乎意料或者不愉快的结
果)Without any hesitation, the man dashed to the scene, dived into the
freezing pond, swam towards the two kids like an arrow, and managed to
reach them in the nick of time.(这是 3 个动作并列构成了动作链)Hardly had the
man seized David and Susan when he began to alleviate their panic and
dragged them all the way to the shore. (Hardly...when 这个句型,表示一...
就)Thanks to his timely help, the two children narrowly escaped drowning.
Totally worn-out and speechless with shock,(形容词做伴随状语)they lay on
the shore, shivering with coldness for quite a while.(逗号后面做伴随状
语)Consciousness regained, David and Susan expressed their gratitude to
the man for saving their lives and headed back home.(独立主格)
David and Susan went home almost frozen. At the sight of the two
kids’ awful appearance, (at the sight of 这个结构,表示一..就)their mother
knew the story at once. Much to their astonishment,(Much to 结构,表示令
人相当...)she showed no sign of anger but a concerned look, asking them to
change the wet clothes quickly and then wrapping them into her arms
tightly to keep them warm.(2 个并列的逗号做伴随状语)Pale faces turning red
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01 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。     No one knows exactly whether they liked it better in spring or in winter. They used to pretend that they were travelers exploring a new country with lush vegetation (茂盛的草木) and bright yellow daffodils (水仙花) dotting the field, and would drop leaves on the road that they might find their way back again. Everything seemed amazing and appealing.     When the ice was thick and firm, they went across the pond. But their mother did not like to have them do this unless someone was with them. "Don't go across the pond today, children," she said, as she kissed them and bade them goodbye one  morning. "It is beginning to melt. It can be dangerous."     "All right, mother," said David, though not very good-naturedly, for he was very fond of running and sliding on the ice.     When they came to the pond, the ice looked hard and safe. "There," said he to his sister, "I knew it hadn't melted any. Mother is always afraid we shall be drowned. Come along, and we will have a good time sliding. The school bell will not ring for an hour at least."     "But you promised mother," said Susan.     "No, I didn't. I only said 'All right,' and it is all right, "said David, holding his head high.     "Oh, well, I didn't say anything; so I can do as I like," said Susan. So, they stepped on the ice without any delay, and started to go across the pond merrily. They had not gone far before the ice gave way, and they fell into the chilly water all at once.     "Help! Help!" they both cried for help in panic. 注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Paragraph 1:  A man who was at work near the shore heard the screams of the children. Paragraph 2:  David and Susan went home almost frozen. 参考答案     A man who was at work near the shore heard the screams of the children.Sensing something urgent,  (Doing 做原因状语) he turned to the direction where the screams came (where引导的定从) ,