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技 能 动 词 作 动 manage, decide 动 词 语 及 stop,
1.Although parents seem _________ (give)good advice to their sons
and daughters, their kids have marked them poorly on being good
role models when it comes to dealing with lifes difficulties.
1.to be giving
seem to do
to be doing
to be giving
2.A red light is a warning to drivers and staff that another train is
dangerously close and that adjustments need _________ (make) .
2.to be made
need to do
to be made
3.Zhang Yugun managed ________(help) children in poor areas to
realize their dream of going to university, so not a single child in his
village dropped out of school because of poverty.
3.to help
manage to do sth
to help
4.He still defends the country s restrictive politics that aim
________(limit) alcohol abuse or under-age drinking.
4.to limit
aim to do
to limit
5.Listening to his lecture, I fell deeply in love with science and have
made up my mind ________(devote) my life to science in the future.
5.to devote
make up ones mind to do sth.
to devote
6.Last week, a new brand of chocolate was launched, which claimed
_________ (trick)your brain into believing you arent hungry.
6.to trick
claim to do sth.
to trick
7. Not that way, my mom tried _________(stop) me but failed. She
was right. It didnt turn out as I had wished.
7.to stop
but failed
try to do
to stop
to stop
8.If Tononi s theory is right, it would explain why, when we miss a
night s sleep, we find it harder the next day ________(concentrate)
and learn new information.
8.to concentrate
find it+
to do
to concentrate
9.He isnt a man who knows_____________ to deal with people properly,
but he does know_____________ to do with all kinds of papers in front
of him.
9.how, what
deal with
do with
deal with
do with
10.That approach brought Cobbs air travel last year down by 75%,
and she plans ________ (continue) the practice. It has been fairly
rewarding. she says, a really positive change.
10.to continue
plan to do sth.
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微技能一:动词不定式作动词manage, decide等动词的宾语及stop, remember等“两栖类”动词的宾语。 1.Although parents seem _________ (give)good advice to their sons and daughters, their kids have marked them poorly on being good role models when it comes to dealing with life’s difficulties. 1.to be giving 考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管父母好像正在给他们的儿子和女儿提出好的建议,但是当谈及解决生活中的困难的时候,孩子对父母在行为榜样方面的评价很低。 seem to do 固定搭配,意为 “ 似乎做某事 ” , parents 和动词 give 之间是主动关系,且此处表示正在给建议,应用不定式的进行式 to be doing ,故填 to be giving 。 2.A red light is a warning to drivers and staff that another train is dangerously close and that adjustments need _________ (make) . 2.to be made 考查非谓语动词。句意:红灯是对司机和工作人员的一个警告,告诉他们另一列火车已经危险接近,需要进行调整。 need to do 固定搭配,意为 “ 需要做 ” ,此处 adjustments 和动词 make 是被动关系,需要用不定式的被动,故填 to be made 。 3.Zhang Yugun managed ________(help) children in poor areas to realize their dream of going to university, so not a single child in his village dropped out of school because of poverty. 3.to help 考查非谓语动词。句意:张玉滚设法帮助贫困地区的孩子实现了上大学的梦想,所以他的村里没有一个孩子因为贫困而辍学。固定搭配 manage to do sth 意为 “ 设法做成某事 ” ,设空处应填动词 help 的不定式,作 manage 的宾语。故填 to help 。 4.He still defends the country’s restrictive politics that aim ________(limit) alcohol abuse or under-age drinking. 4.to limit 考查非谓语动词。他仍然为该国旨在限制酗酒和未成年人饮酒的限制性政策辩护。 aim to do 意为 “ 计划 ……” ,不定式作宾语。故填 to limit 。 5.Listening to his lecture, I fell deeply in love with science and have made up my mind ________(devote) my life to science in the future. 5.to devote 考查非谓语动词。句意:听了他的讲座,我深深地爱上了科学并决心在未来献身于科学。 make up one’s mind to do sth. 意为 “ 下定决心做某事 ” 。故填 to devote 。 6.Last week, a new brand of chocolate was launched, w