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1. who s=who is
2. she s = she is
3. he s = he is
4. what s =what is
5. wheres= where is
6. we re = we are
7. you re = you are
8. that s = that is
9. I m = I am
10. isn t = is not
11. aren t = are not
12. they re = they are
13. don t = do not
14. let s = let us
15. cant = can not
16. it s = it is
17. Ive = I have
18. Id = I would
19. hasnt = has not
1. bus buses
2. box boxes
3. glass glasses
4. class classes
5. watch watches
6. mango mangoes
7. firefly fireflies
8. sheep sheep
9. people people
10. man men
11. woman women
12. apple apples
13. family families
14. library libraries
15. baby babies
16. boy boys
17. toy toys
18. child children
19. foot feet
20. strawberry strawberries
21. horse horse
22. policeman policemen
23. dress dresses
24. fish fish
25. tooth teeth
26. country countries
27. foot feet
28. dragonfly dragonflies
29. me us
30. building buildings
31. cloth clothes
32. this these
33. that those
34. circle circles
35. story storie
1. same different
2. new old
3. old young
4. short long
5. big small
6. tall short
7. yes no
8. open close
9. hot cold
10. here there
11. sit stand
12. up down
13. thin fat
14. father mother
15. right wrong
16. black white
17. this that
18. these those
19. boy girl
20. grandfather grandmother
21. man woman
22. husband wife
23. aunt uncle
24. brother sister
25. he she
26. left right
27. go come
28. nurse doctor
29. good bad
30. minus plus
31. his her
32. busy free
33. hand foot
34. legs arms
1. desk table
2. like love
3. often usually
4. start begin
5. great good
1. to too two
2. right write
3. no know
4. for four
5. hear here
6. I eye
7. see (C) sea
8. son sun
9. be (B) bee
10. there their
11. U you
12. Y why
13. by buy bye
14. pair pear
15. R are
16. whose who s
17. aunt aren t
1. swim ( ) swimming
2. come( ) coming
3. dance (-ing ) dancing
4. ski (-ing ) skiing
5. sit (-ing ) sitting
6. fly (-ing ) flying
7. stay (-ing ) staying
8. travel (-ing ) travelling
9. cry (-ing ) crying
10. play (-ing ) playing
11. listen (-ing ) listening
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写出完全形式 1. who s=who is              2. she s = she  is 3. he s =  he  is                 4. what s =what is 5. where’s= where is       6. we re = we are 7. you re = you are            8. that s = that  is 9. I m = I am                   10. isn t  = is not 11. aren t  = are not          12. they re =  they are 13. don t  = do  not           14. let s = let  us 15. can’t = can  not        16. it s = it  is 17. I’ve = I  have             18. I’d = I  would 19. hasn’t = has  not 写出下列单词的复数形式 1. bus   ——   buses             2. box   ——  boxes 3. glass  ——  glasses          4. class   ——  classes 5. watch   ——  watches         6. mango  ——  mangoes 7. firefly   ——  fireflies           8. sheep   ——  sheep 9. people ——   people        10. man   ——   men 11. woman —— women    12. apple  ——  apples 13. family  —— families       14. library ——  libraries 15. baby   ——  babies          16. boy  ——   boys 17. toy ——  toys                 18. child   ——   children 19. foot  ——  feet                20. strawberry  ——  strawberries 21. horse    ——     horse             22. policeman  ——  policemen 23. dress   ——   dresses           24. fish ——  fish 25. tooth   ——   teeth              26. country ——  countries 27. foot ——     feet                28. dragonfly ——  dragonflies 29. me  ——  us                     30. building  ——  buildings 31. cloth   ——     clothes          32. this     ——     these 33. that    ——     those              34. circle   ——     circles 35. story    ——     storie s 反义词或对应词 1. same —— different 2. new   ——old 3. old  ——young 4. short  —— long 5. big  ——small 6. tall  —— short 7. yes   —— no 8. open  —— close 9. hot —— cold 10. here —— there 11. sit  ——stand 12. up   ——down 13. thin   ——fat 14. father  —— mother 15. right   —— wrong 16. black  ——white 17. this —— that 18. these ——  those 19. boy  —— girl 20. grandfather  ——grandmother 21. man   ——woman 22. husband —— wife 23. aunt——  uncle 24. brother——  sister 25. he ——  she 26. lef