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I am~ know that+ I am writing to apply for the
opportunity to+ am confident that I am fit for it
and the reasons are as follown
Looking forward to your reply And I would appreciate
谢 it if you could giveme the chance to be part of you
I would be very grateful if you could offer me
I'm+ know that+ I would appreciate it if you
could do me a favor
Thanks for your kindness and I am looking forward to
your earliest reply
How is everything going? I'm glad to receive your letter
You arewriting toask me about+ now let me give
you some advice
To start with,you can+ Besides,you should+ In
addition you mayalso
I hope you will find these suggestions useful May you
make greaterprogress!
How are you doing recently? I am glad to tell you that+
子 I am writing toinvite you to join us
点 时
will be held/start(/ in+
on+ which will lasttwo hours( last hours
I am looking forward to your early reply
r'm+ Learning that+ I am writing to ask for
more in more informationabout it
I am looking forward to your early reply
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​ 1|申请求职信 第一段(介绍自己和写信的目的) I am~名字 know that+内容 I am writing to apply for the opportunity to+内容|am confident that I am fit for it and the reasons are as follown如下 第二段(介绍内容) 第三段(感谢对方 希望得到答复表示自己期待) Looking forward to your reply And I would appreciate感谢 it if you could giveme the chance to be part of you I would be very grateful if you could offer me opportunity 2|求助信 第一段(介绍自己表示希望得到对方帮助) I'm+人名 know that+句子 I would appreciate it if you could do me a favor 第二段(介绍内容描述困难) 第三段(表示感谢 希望得到对方回复) Thanks for your kindness and I am looking forward to your earliest reply 3|建议信 第一段(一般先问好再说作者写了什么给你最后一句由让我来给你一些建议结尾): How is everything going? I'm glad to receive your letter You arewriting toask me about+句子 now let me give you some advice 第二段(一般介绍你给他提的建议): To start with,you can+句子Besides,you should+句子 In addition you mayalso 第三段(希望可以从建议中找到适合他的最后结尾) I hope you will find these suggestions useful May you make greaterprogress! 4|邀请信 第一段(也是以问好开头然后写出你写此信的目的一段结尾表达你希望ta的加入) How are you doing recently? I am glad to tell you that+句子 I am writing toinvite you to join us 第二段(介绍此活动的内容 地点 时间) 此活动will be held/start(/两边的词组都可以用)in+地点on+时间 which will lasttwo hours(这里的last到hours指持续多长时间) 第三段(希望得到对方答复) I am looking forward to your early reply 5|询问信 第一段(介绍自己表示自己想询问的情况) r'm+人名 Learning that+包子 I am writing to ask for more in more informationabout it 第二段(描述问题根据题干自拟) 第三段(希望得到对方答复) I am looking forward to your early reply 6|回复信 第一段(介绍你收到对方的信然后给予什么样的回复) I am glad to have received you letter in which you asked me about+句子 第二段(介绍想要让对方知道的内容) it will held+地点时间 +and lasts about me two hours from 1pm to 3 pm 7|申