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go to the park climb trees Be quiet
Do not touch No parking No smoking
keep off the grass No littering
at once wrong number feel ill
open your mouth go to see a doctor
go to the hospital a bad cough
have a good rest No eating and drinking
welcome back to school a new term
in a week eight subjects
eight lessons what subjects
her students the first lesson
Monday morning on Monday morning
take some medicine after lunch
stay in bed the same hobby
a telephone call in the garden
water the flowers animal stamps
cook food showto grow flowers
Bens hobby Ben some hobbies make clothes
wash clothes collect Chinese stamps
many beautiful stamps
go shopping collect stamps
dance beautifully take photos
walk carefully sit quietly
run fast jump high
from Monday to Friday speak loudly
the same age at school
live in a small town
write a letter play table tennis
an English friend write an e-mail
every five minutes take bus No.5 5
in the street in front of the cinema
a new student a new teacher
a big nose
excuse me the boy in the tree
come down climb trees come here
in the zoo the following week
the man over there
the girl in a white skirt 穿
the boy with big eyes my brother /
which one at a party
the man with a big mouth
the girl with a small nose
be late for school the one in red 穿
the woman with long hair
the boy with big ears
the one in the green shirt 穿 绿
in the car my good friend
some grapes how many kilos
buy fruit some water her small eye
play basketball an old woman
three kilos Id like
these apples those oranges
these or those good idea
play football a glass of milk/ juice /
a cup of coffee/ tea / at a snack bar
something to eat 西 Something to drink 西
some noodles How about---? ?
orange/apple juice /
go to school by bike be free
in the school some chocolate
some sweets some dolls
very much , near her school
her parents on the plate
near your house how many
have a look go and see
a lot of a new building see each other
at school all the students
the first day of the new term
in my classroom a pair of chopsticks
use chopsticks on the sofa
in the fridge on the table
in the cupboard open the blue box
on the table On the chair
in the playground in the library
lots of books on the piano
some songbooks near the window
some cakes in class make a puppet
in your classroom big and bright
watch TV our classroom
open day have some juice
get up on the wall at a Music lesson
two oclock in the afternoon look happy
in the cats mouth on my chair
under the bed behind the door
in the basket a map of China
a map of the world in the music room
have a music lesson sing a song ,
follow me sing together
play on the swings play the violin
play the guitar
put a book on your head
have an ice cream
after class
play basketball
a Halloween party
like masks
a pumpkin lantern
some sweets
like swimming
listen to music
play table tennis with friends
on Saturdays and Sundays
open the door
write the new words
read the book
draw a picture
drink the water
this red vase
in the picture
Sunday morning
at home
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01 go to the park 去公园 climb trees 爬树 Be quiet 保持安静 Do not touch 不要摸 No parking 禁止停车  No smoking 禁止吸烟 keep off the grass 不践踏草坪 No littering 禁止扔杂物    at once 立刻,马上 wrong number 打错电话 feel ill 感觉病了 open your mouth 张开嘴 go to see a doctor 去看医生  go to the hospital 去医院 a bad cough 严重的咳嗽    have a good rest 好好休息 No eating and drinking 禁止吃喝 welcome back to school 欢迎回到学校 a new term 新学期 in a week 在一周内 eight subjects 八门课 eight lessons 八节课 what subjects 什么科目    02 her students 她的学生the first lesson 第一节课  Monday morning 星期一上午on Monday morning 在星期一上午 take some medicine 吃药 after lunch 午饭以后 stay in bed 呆在床上the same hobby 相同的爱好 a telephone call 一次电话通话in the  garden 在花园里 water the flowers 浇花animal stamps 动物邮票 cook food 做饭show…to… 出示…给…看grow flowers 种花 Ben’s hobby Ben的爱好some hobbies 一些爱好make clothes 做衣服 wash clothes 洗衣服collect Chinese stamps 收集中国邮票 many beautiful stamps 许多漂亮的邮票 03 go shopping 购物collect stamps 收集邮票 dance beautifully 跳舞跳得美take photos 拍照 walk carefully 走路小心sit quietly 安静地坐 run fast 跑得快jump high 跳得高 from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五speak loudly 大声地说 the same age 相同的年龄at school 在学校 live in 居住a small town 一个小镇 write a letter 写信play table tennis 打乒乓 an English friend 一个英国朋友write an e-mail 发邮件 every five minutes 每五分钟take bus No.5 乘5路车 in the street 在街上in front of the cinema 在电影院前 a new student 一个新学生a new teacher 一个新老师 a big nose 一个大鼻子 04 excuse me 打扰一下the boy in the tree 树上的那个男孩 come down 下来climb trees 爬树come here 过来 in the zoo 在动物园里the following week 下周 the man over there 那边的那个男人 the girl in a white skirt 那个穿白色短裙的女孩 the boy with big eyes 大眼睛的那个男孩my brother 我的弟弟/哥哥 which one 哪一个at a party 在聚会上 the man with a big mouth