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xi'an 西 ku'ai
xian kuai(
): 1.far~away It's not far~away from
here.2.in~an~hour I should be there in~an~hour.3.put~it~on Here's
your sweater. Put~it~on.4.stand~up Stand~up and stretch for a
while.5.take~care~of I'll always take care~of you .
[j] [w] + [j]
[w] +
[i:] [e
] +[j]+ 1 see ussee [j] us Come and see~us
again soon.
2be overbe [j] overIt will be~over soon.
3be ablebe [j] ableWill you be~able to come tomorrow?
4say it say [j] it
Could you say~it again please?
5pay Ann pay [j] Ann Please pay~Ann her salary.
[u:] [
] +[w]+
1do itdo [w] itDon't do~it again.
2go upgo [w] upLet's go~upstairs and have dinner.
3show usshow [w] usCan you show~us something else.
[j] [w]
h [h] [h]
1Does~he know?2What~happened 3Please give~him a hand2
。略 ,也 ,掌
-- [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g]
1. + =
1.active=a(c)tive [k]+[t]Students are encouraged to be active
in class.
2.blackboard=blac(k)board [k]+[b]Our class has a large blackboard.
3.dictation=di(k)tation [k]+[t]We'll have dictation today.
4.football=foo(t)ball [t]+[b]There is going to be a football match tonight.
Shall we watch it together?
5.goodbye=goo(d)bye [d]+[b]She waved me goodbye.
1.Stop talking=Sto(p)-talking!2.I don't care.=I don'(t) -care.3.I had a bad
cold.=I had a ba(d)-cold.
[t][d]+ [m] [n]
[t][d] [m][n] [t][d]
[t] [d]+[m] [n] 1. Britain [tn]Britain is made up of England,
Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland.
2certain [tn]They are certain to agree.
3frighten [tn]The high prices frighten off many customers.
[t] [d]+[m] [n] 1 admire=a(d)mire [d]=[m]
I really admire your enthusiasm.
2admit=a(d)mit [d]+[m]She admits to being strict with her children.
3goodness=goo(d)ness [d]+[n]Thank goodness! [t][d]+[m] [n]
1 Good morning!=Goo(d)-morning!
2Let me take a look.=Le(t)-me take a look.
3I don't know what to say.=I don'(t)-know what to say.
[t][d]+ [l]
[t][d] [l]
[t] [d] [l]
[t] [d]+[l]
1.battle [t]+[l]Any soldiers were killed in the battle.
2.gentle [t]+[l]His soap is very gentle on the hands.
3.little [t]+[l]I'm a little tired.
4.settle [t]+[l]The company has agreed to settle out of court.
5.title [t]+[l]Give your name and title
[t] [d]+[l] 1.heartless=hear(t)less [t]+[l]The decision does seem
a little heartless.
2.lately=la(te)ly [t]+[l] Have you seen him lately?
3.badly=ba(d)ly [d]+[l]Things have been going badly.
4.needless=nee(d)less [d]+[l]Banning somking would save needless
[t] [d]+[l] 1.Good luck!=Goo(d)-luck!
2.I would like to have one.=I woul(d) like to have one.
3.At last, we made it to his party.=A(t) last, we made it to his party.
+ / =
[f][v][θ][ ð][s][ z][
][h][r] [ts]-[dz],[tr]-[dr],[t
1.advance=a(d)vance [d]+[v]
We live in an age of rapid technologcical advance.
2.bookshop=boo(k)shop [k]+[
]The bookshop opens at 7 o'clock in the
3.helpful=hel(p)ful [p]+[f]A: Sorry, I can't be more helpful.B: Thank you.
You're been very helpful.
4.lecture=le(c)ture [k]+[t
] Mr Li is giving a lecture to first-year students.
5.object=o(b)ject [b]+[d
]The object is to educate people about road
1.You look fantastic.=You loo(k)-fantastic.2.I'll get there by
ten.=I'll ge(t) there by ten.3.Let's have a good chat.=Let's have a
goo(d)-chat.4.I haven't read the book.=I haven'(t)-read the book.5.Wish
you a great success!=Wish you a grea(t)-success!6.Put the book on the
desk.=Pu(t)-the book on the desk.7.She is one of my old friends.=She is
one of my ol(d)-friends.8.I'd like a room with a good view.=I'd like a room
with a goo(d) view.9.I am quite sure that you will win.=I am qui(te) sure
that you will win.10.Don't judge people only by appearance.=Don'(t)
judge people only by appearance.
1Repeating after tapes is very inportant for beginners. Repeating
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1  连读 发音规则一辅音+元音 一句话中相邻的两个单词,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开始,拼读成“辅音+元音”。 讲解:你还记得汉语拼音中有些单词xi'an(西安)、ku'ai(酷爱)吗?如果去掉隔音符,就成了xian(先)、kuai(快)了。英文中几乎所有的句子都是从头拼到尾,简单地说:连音就是两个单词相遇能拼读就拼,不能拼读就让过。 例如:Take~it~easy 短语练习(大声读出来喔): 1.far~away  It's not far~away from here. 2.in~an~hour   I should be there in~an~hour. 3.put~it~on   Here's your sweater. Put~it~on. 4.stand~up   Stand~up and stretch for a while. 5.take~care~of   I'll always take care~of you . 发音规则二:元音+元音 一句话中相邻的两个单词,前一个单词以元音结尾,后一个单词以元音开始,则在两个元音之间加上一个轻微的 [j] 或 [w] 的音,拼读成“元音+ [j] 或 [w] +元音”。 [i:]或[e ɪ ]结尾的元音+[j]+元音 1、see us→see [j] us Come and see~us again soon. 2、be over→be [j] overIt will be~over soon. 3、be able→be [j] ableWill you be~able to come tomorrow? 4、say it →say [j] it Could you say~it again please? 5、pay Ann →pay [j] Ann Please pay~Ann her salary. 以[u:]或 [ əʊ ] 结尾的元音+[w]+元音 1、do it→do [w] itDon't do~it again. 2、go up→go [w] upLet's go~upstairs and have dinner. 3、show us→show [w] usCan you show~us something else. 注:元音与元音的连音是一种自然滑过后带出来的音。当你的发音接近流利时,你会发现不用刻意去发 [j] 和 [w] 就可以有效果,所以尽管放松地去练习,模仿是第一老师。 发音规则三:省略【h】的连读 在连音规则中,以“h”开头的单词 [h] 音近乎省略。因为 [h] 发音很特殊——只是出气没有摩擦,所以拼读时好像被省略了。 1、Does~he know?2、What~happened?3、Please give~him a hand! 2  略读 英文最明显的语音规则除了连读外,就是略读了。爆破音和爆破音相邻,第一个爆破音只形成阻碍,但不发生爆破,称为 失爆 ;爆破音和其他辅音相邻,该爆破音 不完全爆破 。英语语音中的失爆和不完全爆破现象,我们简称为“略读”。略读是英语语音学习的重点,也是一个难点,掌握好略读,也就掌握了地道英语发音的制胜法宝! 注意:略读时并不是把整个音丢掉,而是发音时点到为止,有口型不发音 或轻微发音。 重要学术名词--爆破音: [p] [b