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初中 中考 英语 DOCX   7页   下载0   2024-10-01   浏览22   收藏0   点赞0   评分-   7951字   5.00
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Im twelve. Wheres the schoolbag?
I have lunch every day. Gina always asks: Where
is my schoolbag? Gina
: My sister is a teacher. The earth turns around
the sun.
She likes English very much. Bill likes beef, but he
doesnt like chicken.
使 :
often sometimes always
usually every day , every
week , every month , every term , every year
, once a week twice a year
She gets up early every morning. I go
to see my grandmother every month.
1 be
be amisare
am Iis he
she it ; are
we (you), they
I am a student.
He / She is a student. /
We/They are students. /
You are my teacher.
You are my teachers.
I am; you are, is he / she / it ;
is are
be be not
I am=Im he is= hesis not=isnt are not=arent
am not
s es
have has
-s s x ch sh -es
o -es +y y i
2 使
always( ) often usually
sometimes( ) seldom never
She often plays the piano after dinner.
I always get up early.
My father usually goes out for a walk after supper.
She never plays computer games.
dont doesnt
doesnt dont
He gets up very early.
He doesnt get up very early.
I like music.
I dont like music.
do does
I like football.
Do you like football
Yes, I do.
No, I dont.
She likes English.
Does she like English?
Yes, she does.
No, she doesnt.
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一般现在时 1概念引入 在英语中,不同时间发生的动作和情况,要用不同的动词形式表示,这种不同的动词形式叫做动词的时态。今天我们要学习的是一般现在时。 2用法讲解 一、一般现在时的使用范围。 1. 表示现在的状态。 例如: I’m twelve. 我十二岁。 Where’s the schoolbag? 书包在哪里? 2. 表示经常或者习惯性的动作。 例如: I have lunch every day. 我每天吃午饭。 Gina always asks: “Where is my schoolbag?” Gina 总是问: “ 我的书包在哪里啊? ” 3. 表示客观事实或者存在。 例如 : My sister is a teacher. 我姐姐是一位老师。 The earth turns around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。 4. 表示主语所具备的性格和能力。 例如: She likes English very much. 她很喜欢英语。 Bill likes beef, but he doesn’t like chicken. 比尔喜欢牛肉但是不喜欢鸡肉。以上所述均是一般现在时的基本使用范围,除此之外一般现在时还有其他一些特殊用法,比如 : 一般现在时可以用在一些从句中表将来等,我们会在以后的学习中讲到。 注意: 一般现在时态经常与 often (经常), sometimes (有时), always (总是), usually (通常)等副词连用,也经常与 every day (每天) , every week (每周) , every month (每月) , every term (每学期) , every year (每年) , once a week (一周一次), twice a year (一年两次)等时间状语连用。例如: She gets up early every morning. 她每天早上早起。 I go to see my grandmother every month. 我每个月都去看我的奶奶。 二、谓语动词在一般现在时中的使用情况。 一般现在时态分为 be 动词的一般现在时和实义动词的一般现在时。 1 .动词 be 的用法 be 动词包括 “am , is , are” ,中文意思为 “ 是 ” 。这三个词的用法要随着主语的变化而变化。 “am” 用于第一人称单数( I ); “is” 用于第三人称单数( he , she , it ),以及单数可数名词或者不可数名词前 ; “are” 用于第一人称复数( we ),第二人称单数和复数 (you), 第三人称复数( they )。例如: I am a student. 我是个学生。 He / She is a student. 他 / 她是个学生。 We/They are students. 我们 / 他们是学生。 You are my teacher. 你是我的老师。 You are my teachers. 你们是我的老师。 be 动词用法歌诀: 英语有个动词 be , “ 面孔 ” 不同要注意; 我( I )用 am; 你( you )用 are, is 连着他( he