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1. above -- below
We were flying above the clouds.
The sun sank below the horizon. 线
2. after -- before
We'll leave after lunch.
He arr ived before me.
3. all -- none
They've eaten all of it.
one of your business.
4. alone -- together
He dines alone most nights.
We'll have lunch together.
5. always -- sometimes
That phone's always ringing.
I like to be on my own sometimes.
6. answer -- question
Your answer is exactly right.
That's a very hard question.
6. back -- front
We were sitting in the back row.
There's someone at the front door.
8. bad -- good I'm having a really bad day.
I'm good at English. 9. badly
-- well Her shoulders were badly sunburned.
The kids all behav ed well.
10. beautiful -- ugly She is a beautiful girl.
The ugly duckling drops his head.
11. begin -- end, finish When does the concert begin?
How doe s the story end?
12. best -- worst English is my best subject.
What's the worst thing that could
happen? 13. better -- worse
I'm better now, thank you. It could be worse.
14. big -- small, little This is
a big house. This is a small room.
15. black -- white This is a black bear.
This is a white cat. 16. borrow
-- lend Can I borrow your pen?
I'll lend you my pen. 17. both
-- neither We have both seen the movie.
He seemed neither surprised nor worried.
18. break -- mend, repair How did he
come to break his leg? They took a long time
to mend the roof. 19. busy
-- free I'm so busy today.
I'm free today. 20. buy -- sell I want
to buy a new computer. They sell all kinds of
things. 西 21. cheap 便 -- expensive,
dear This bag is very cheap. 便 This bag is
very expensive. 22. clean -- dirty
Your room is very clean. Your room is very dirty.
23. clever -- foolish He is clever.
He is foolish. 24. cloudy -- bright,
clear, sunny Tonight will be cloudy. On
a clear day you can see the mountain.
25. cold -- hot It's cold tonight.
It's hot in summer. 26. come -- go
Where do you come from I want to go home.
27. cool -- warm We found a cool place to
sit . It was nice
and warm yesterday. 28. danger
-- safety He looks around sensing danger.
They are anxio us for her safety.
29. day -- night I work during the day.
I slept very little last night.
30. dead -- alive, living My grandmother's dead;
she died in 1987. 1987 He's still alive.
31. down -- up sit down stand up
32. dry -- wet 湿 My mouth felt completely dry.
We got wet through. 湿
33. early -- late I woke up in an early morning.
Come along! We're late. 34. easy
-- difficult, hard ; It's so easy.
It's so difficult. 35. empty -- fill
She emptied the water out of the vase.
Fill me with a glass of water, please. Thank you.
36. entrance -- exit This entrance is
in constant use. 使 Where's the exit?
37. fall -- rise A light rain began to fall.
The sun rises from the east. 38. far
-- near We didn't go far. His house is
very near. 39. fast -- slow I'm
quite a fast typist.The traffic is heavy and slow.
40. first -- last This is
my first job. He came last in the race.
41. forget -- remember
Let's forget the whole thing. I'll
sure remember this trip! 42. freeze
-- melt Can you freeze this cake?
The snow was beginning to melt. 43. give
-- take Give us the newspaper, will you?
I'll take my coat upstairs.
44. glad -- sad, sorry I'm glad you
came along. She looked sad and tired.
45. great -- little, small
It's a great piece of work. Human beings are
very small. 46. happy -- unhappy, sad
Happy birthday, sweetheart. I hate to see
you unhappy. 47. hard -- easy
She's had a hard life.It's easy to make a mistake.
48. hate -- love, like I hate you.
I love you. 49. here -- there
She'll be here presently. There were six or
seven of us there. 50. high -- low
The building stands 30 metres high. 30 The humidity is
relatively low.湿 51. hold -- drop
They hold differing views. She looked about
to drop. 52. holiday -- weekday
Today is a holiday. Today is a weekday.
53. ill -- healthy, well I feel ill.
Im healthy. 54. in -- out The
book is in my bag. Let's go out for lunch.
55. innocent -- guilty The accused
was found innocent. He pleaded guilty to murder.
56. inside -- outside We had to
move inside.It's absolutely freezing outside.
57. into -- out of I
walked into town. They highballed out of town.
58. kill -- save Drugs can kill.
Doctors can save her. 59. laugh
-- cry She always makes me laugh.
Babies cry when they are tired. 60. leave
-- arrive She begged permission to leave.
When you arrive, ask for Jane. 61. leave
-- stay We didn't leave early enough.
Will you stay for supper? 62. left
-- right The shop is on your left. The
shop is on your right. 63. light
-- heavy You only need to apply light pressure.
These books are awfully heavy.
64. like -- unlike They
behaved like imbeciles. 。It's very unlike him
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above 在……上-- below 在……下 We were flying  above  the clouds.我们在云层上面飞行。 The sun sank  below  the horizon.太阳落到了地平线下。 after 在……后 -- before 在……前 We'll leave  after  lunch.我们将在午饭后动身。 He arrived  before  me.他比我先到。 all 全部 -- none 全无 They've eaten all of it. 他们全吃光了 one  of your business.不关你的事。 alone 单独地 -- together 一起 He dines  alone  most nights.大多数晚上他都独自进餐。 We'll have lunch  together .我们将一起吃午饭。 always 总是 -- sometimes 有时 That phone's  always  ringing.那个电话总是响个不停。 I like to be on my own  sometimes .有时候我喜欢一个人待着。 6. answer 答案 -- question 问题 Your  answer  is exactly right.你的回答完全正确。 That's a very hard  question .那是个很难的问题。 back 后面的 -- front 前面的 We were sitting in the back row. 我们坐在后排。 There's someone at the  front  door.前门有个人。 8. bad 坏的 -- good 好的 I'm having a really  bad  day.我今天倒霉透了。I'm  good  at English.我的英语很好。 9. badly 恶劣地 -- well 很好地 Her shoulders were  badly  sunburned.她的肩膀严重晒伤了。 The kids all behaved  well .孩子们都很规矩。 10. beautiful 美丽的 -- ugly 丑陋的 She is a  beautiful  girl.她是个漂亮的女孩。The  ugly  duckling drops his head.丑小鸭垂着头。 11. begin 开始 -- end, finish 结束 When does the concert  begin ?音乐会什么时间开始? How does the story  end ?这个故事结局如何? 12. best 最好的 -- worst 最坏的 English is my  best  subject.英语是我学得最好的一门科目。What's the  worst  thing that could happen?情况最坏会怎么样? 13. better 更好的 -- worse 更坏的 I'm  better  now, thank you.我现在好些了,谢谢您。It could be  worse .情况可能更糟。 14. big 大的 -- small, little 小的 This is a  big  house.这是一座大房子。This is a  small  room.这是一个小房间。 15. black 黑的 -- white 白的 This is a  black  bear.这是一只黑色的熊。This is a  white  cat.这是一只白色的猫。 16. borrow 借入 -- lend 借给 Can I  borrow  your pen? 我可以借用你的钢笔吗? I'll  lend  you my pen.我把钢笔借给你。 17. both