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1. Ruth hesitated, uncertain of how to combine honesty and diplomacy
in her answer.
(be uncertain of ...
combine...and/with.........; ......; diplomacy
2. a dazzling array of flowers
(dazzling ;
dæzliŋ He gave Alberg a
dazzling smile.)
3. There was a vast array of colours to choose from.
(a vast array of...
4. Susan flushed deeply and looked away.
(sb flush deeply fl
ʃ; look away
5. He flushed angrily. (flush angrily )
6. She felt a sudden flush of anger.
(a flush of anger/embarrassment/ excitement a
sudden feeling of ...)
7. I was overcome by an urge to cry.
(if someone is overwhelmed by an emotion, they feel
it so strongly that they cannot think clearly 使,使
8. Harriet was overwhelmed by a feeling of homesickness.
9. The children were overwhelmed with excitement.
10. Grief overwhelmed me.
11. You're not serious, are you? Ellen's jaw dropped.
?(sb's jaw dropped
12. He sneaked a look at her.
(sneak a look /glance /peek at ...I took a quick
peek inside.)
13. Seeing her so upset really tore him apart.
看 到 她 那 么 伤 心 , 他 感 到 很 难 受 。 (tear sb apart: to make someone feel
extremely unhappy or upset 使使)
14. She was torn between her love of dancing and her fear of
performing in public.
。 (if you are torn, you are unable
to decide what to do because you have different feelings or different things
that you want )
15. Jess was torn by anger and worry.
16. I shall never forget the generosity shown by local people.
(acts of generosity ; an act of
great generosity ; his generosity to the poor
17. It's been a hard few months, but we're finally beginning to see the
light at the end of the tunnel.
(light at the end of the tunnel
18. At last doctors have seen the light!
! (see the light: to suddenly understand something
19. A brick crashed through the window.
穿 (to hit something or someone extremely hard
while moving, in a way that causes a lot of damage or makes a lot of noise
20. The plates went crashing to the ground.
21. A large branch came crashing down.
22. Thunder crashed and boomed outside.
(to make a sudden loud noise )
23. I felt tears well up in my eyes.
(well/ well up ; Tears of joy flooded her
eyes as she prayed silently: Thank you, God. Your love has spread through
human hearts and hands.
24. Anger welled up within him.
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1. Ruth hesitated, uncertain of how to combine honesty and diplomacy in her answer.  露丝犹豫了,她不知道怎样回答才能既诚实又婉转。 (be uncertain of ...不确定;不知道;combine...and/with...把...与...结合起来; 既...又...; diplomacy外交手腕 d ɪ ˈ pl ə ʊ m ə si) 2. a dazzling array of flowers  一大片绚丽多彩的鲜花 (dazzling 光彩夺目的;灿烂的 ˈ dæzliŋ He gave Alberg a dazzling smile.他冲着阿尔伯格粲然一笑) 3. There was a vast array of colours to choose from.  有各种各样的颜色可供选择。 (a vast array of...大量的  əˈ re ɪ ) 4. Susan flushed deeply and looked away.  苏珊脸涨得通红,目光转向别处。 (sb flush deeply脸涨得通红fl ʌ ʃ ; look away看别处) 5. He flushed angrily.  他气得满脸通红 (flush angrily气得满脸通红) 6. She felt a sudden flush of anger.  她突然感到一阵愤怒。 (a flush of anger/embarrassment/ excitement相当于 a sudden feeling of ...一阵愤怒、尴尬、兴奋等) 7. I was overcome by an urge to cry. 我控制不住想大哭一场。 (if someone is overwhelmed by an emotion, they feel it so strongly that they cannot think clearly 感情上使人感到不能自持,使不知所措) 8. Harriet was overwhelmed by a feeling of homesickness.  哈丽雅特心中充满思乡之情,不能自已。  9. The children were overwhelmed with excitement.  孩子们激动万分。 10. Grief overwhelmed me.  我悲痛不已。 11. You're not serious, are you? Ellen's jaw dropped.  你不是认真的,对吧?埃伦惊讶地张大了嘴。 (sb's jaw dropped某人因惊讶或震惊张口结舌d ʒ ɔ :) 12. He sneaked a look at her.  他偷偷地看了她一眼。 (sneak a look /glance /peek at ...偷看一眼。I took a quick peek inside.我匆匆向里面偷看了一眼。) 13. Seeing her so upset really tore him apart.  看到她那么伤心,他感到很难受。 (tear sb apart: to make someone feel extremely unhappy or upset 使心里不快;使极其难受) 14. She was torn between her love of dancing and her fear of performing in public.  她内心充满矛盾,既热爱舞蹈又害怕公开表演。 ( if you  are torn , you are unable to decide what to do because you have different feelings or different things that you want 左右为难,难以