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01 花香鸟语
1. Flowers are waving in the breeze of the early spring.
2. The sweet song of birds made me spellbound.
3. The fragrant flowers attracted lots of butterflies, lingering ( ) around
4. The new spring grass shot up as time itself had sped up.
5. The birds busy themselves around me, not caring that Im there.
6. They heard the twitter/chatter of birds among the bushes.
7. Birds were chattering/twittering somewhere.
8. On a quite morning in the mountains, feel the sun on your skin and
breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with
their morning song.
02 雷电描写
a flash of lightening
aloud crash of thunder
break out
in a flash
flash across
1. Thunder crashed in the sky.
2. The thunder was rumbling in the distance.
3. An ash of lightning flashed across the sky.
4. Outside, thunder boomed and crashed.
5. Thunder boomed in the sky overhead.
6. The weather in summer is unpredictable. Just now it was sunny. In a flash,
lightning and thunder broke out, and the storm began to rain.
7. Thunder rumbled in the mountains all around and rain began to fall in
heavy drops.
8. After a loud crash of thunder, it rained furiously.
03 云描写
part drift spread
cloudy overcast
be full of dark clouds
dark masses of clouds
clear away drift across break sth up 使
1. The sky is overcast, darkened with gloomy clouds.
2. The sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds.
3. As the night advanced, the clouds closed in and densely overspread the
whole sky.
4. The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky.
5. The sky was full of dark masses of clouds.
6. By afternoon, the clouds have cleared away.
7. The sky was overcast, darkened with gloomy clouds, and the whole world
seemed to be enveloped in a huge gray quilt.
04 太阳描写
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01花香鸟语 【必背金句】 1. Flowers are waving in the breeze of the early spring. 花儿在早春的微风中摇曳。 2. The sweet song of birds made me spellbound. 我沉浸在小鸟悦耳的歌声中。 3. The fragrant flowers attracted lots of butterflies, lingering ( 萦绕 ) around them. 鲜花的香味引来了很多蝴蝶,它们围着花朵。 4. The new spring grass shot up as time itself had sped up. 随着时间的脚步加快,新的春草拔地而起。 5. The birds busy themselves around me, not caring that I’m there. 鸟儿们在我周围忙碌着,并不介意我在哪里。 6. They heard the twitter/chatter of birds among the bushes. 他们听到树丛中鸟儿发出的叽叽喳喳声。 7. Birds were chattering/twittering somewhere. 鸟儿在某处叽叽喳喳地叫着。 8. On a quite morning in the mountains, feel the sun on your skin and breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song. 山中宁静的清晨,感受阳光洒在你的身上,呼吸鲜花的芳香,聆听鸟儿们用它们的歌声迎接新的一天。 02雷电描写 【名词】 lightning 闪电 thunder 雷 【动词】 crash 发出巨响 boom/rumble 轰鸣 【词组】 a flash of lightening 一道闪电 aloud crash of thunder 一声巨雷 break out 爆发 in a flash 一刹那间 flash across 一闪而过 【必背金句】 1. Thunder crashed in the sky. 雷在空中发出巨响。 2. The thunder was rumbling in the distance. 远处雷声隆隆。 3. An ash of lightning flashed across the sky. 一道闪电划过天空。 4. Outside, thunder boomed and crashed. 外面雷声隆隆,发出巨响。 5. Thunder boomed in the sky overhead.  雷声在头顶上的天空中隆隆作响。 6. The weather in summer is unpredictable. Just now it was sunny. In a flash, lightning and thunder broke out, and the storm began to rain. 夏天的天气真是变幻莫测。刚才还是晴空万里,一霎时就电闪雷鸣,开始了狂风暴雨。 7. Thunder rumbled in the mountains all around and rain began to fall in heavy drops. 山里雷声隆隆,雨点开始大颗大颗地往下落。 8. After a loud crash of thunder, it rained furiously. 一声巨雷过后,大雨倾盆而下。 03云描写 【动词】 part 散开   drift 飘移   spread 扩散 【形容词