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1. (verb)
1)swim push
2)have be
. 动
He is a tractor driver.
Facts are more eloquent than words.
We have friends all over the world.
An apple falls by the force of gravitation.使
I am pleased to meet you.()
Smoking is harmful to the health.()
I heard them singing the Internationale(
Spoken words are often more powerful than writing.
(notional verb)(link verb)
(modal verb)(auxiliary verb)
The sun shone brightly this morning.
He likes to go for a long walk on sun days.
We have a big TV set in the club.
It is never too late to mend.
It was a close game.
The children in this nursery look very healthy.
Keep quietplease!!
The tape recorder seems all right.
Later he became a doctor.
The problem remained unsolved until last year.
[] come go
The old man's dream has come true.
Something has gone wrong with the truck.
[] seem, appear to be
The new text seems to be easybut actually it is rather difficult.
She appears to be the girl's sister.
can ()may ()must()
shallwillhavebeshouldwould do
(transitive verb)
I believe that the committee will consider our suggestion.
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一、动词概况 1. 动词 (verb) 是表示动作或状态的词。 1) 表示动作: swim 游泳; push 推 2) 表示状态: have 有; be 是 2. 英语动词有时态、语态、语气等形式上的变化。 二. 动词的分类 1. 谓语动词和非谓语动词 从是否能充当句子中的谓语来看,动词有谓语动词和非谓语动词两大类。 1) 谓语动词 有人称和数的变化。如: He is a tractor driver. 他是一个拖拉机手。 Facts are more eloquent than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 We have friends all over the world. 我们的朋友遍天下。 An apple falls by the force of gravitation. 地心吸力使苹果落地。 2) 非谓语动词   非谓语动词有动词不定式、动名词和分词三种,在句子里都不能单独作谓语,没有人称和数的变化。 如: I am pleased to meet you. 我很高兴与你相识。 ( 动词不定式 ) Smoking is harmful to the health. 吸烟对身体有害。 ( 动名词 ) I heard them singing the Internationale 。我听见他们唱《国际歌》。 ( 现在分词 ) Spoken words are often more powerful than writing. 语言往往比文字更有力。 ( 过去分词 ) 2. 实义动词、连系动词、情态动词和助动词 从其含义来分,动词有实义动词 (notional verb) ,连系动词 (link verb) ,情态动词 (modal verb) 和助动词 (auxiliary verb) 四类。 1) 实义动词   实义动词有完全的词义,并能独立作谓语动词。如: The sun shone brightly this morning. 今天早晨阳光灿烂。 He likes to go for a long walk on sun days. 他喜欢星期日出去作长距离散步。 We have a big TV set in the club. 我们俱乐部有台大电视机。 2) 连系动词   连系动词在句中作谓语动词,后面跟表语。英语连系动词有 be( 是 ) , seem( 似乎 ) , look( 看来 ) , keep( 保持 ) , become( 变成 ) , get( 变得 ) , grow( 变得 ) , feel( 感到 ) , turn( 变得,变成 ) , appear( 显得 ) , remain( 仍旧是 ) 等。如: It is never too late to mend. 改过不嫌晚。 It was a close game. 那场球赛比分很接近。 The children in this nursery look very healthy. 这个托儿所的孩子看起来都非常健康。 Keep quiet , please! 请安静 ! , The tape recorder seems all right. 这台录音机好像没有毛病。 Later he became a doctor. 他后来成为一名医生。 The problem remained unsolved until last year. 问题到去年才解决。 [ 注一 ] 下面句子中的 come 和