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advise 劝告;建议
advise sb to do sth:
The doctor advised me to rest for a few days.医生建议我休息几天。
advise doing sth:
I strongly advise buying the ticket at once.我强烈建议立刻买票。
allow 允许
allow sb / sth to do sth:
People aren’t allowed to eat food on the underground in Nanjing.
allow sb sth:
My father allows himself three cigarettes a day.
ask 询问;要求;请求
ask sb sth:
They see a lady. They ask her the way.他们看见一位女士,向她问路。
ask (sb) about sth:
They call me about twice a month to ask about my study.
ask (sb) to do sth:
Kate asks her father to stop smoking.凯特让她的父亲戒烟。
ask (sb) for sth:
Now I am writing to ask you for help.我现在写信请你帮忙。
agree 同意;赞同
agree to do sth:
Mum and Dad have agreed to have a party at home.
agree on 对……达成一致
agree to 赞同;赞成
agree with 同意;赞同
begin (began, begun) 开始;开始进行;开始出现
begin doing / to do sth:
Bill began learning / to learn to play the piano at the age of five.
to begin with 首先;第一
believe 相信
it is believed + (that) 从句:
It is believed that the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages.
believe ... to be sth:
She was believed to be the first H7N9 patient in China.
她被认为是中国首例 H7N9 患者。
believe in sb / sth 信任某人 / 相信某事物的存在
believe it or not 不信由你
borrow 借;借
borrow sth from sb:
I borrowed some interesting books from my friend.
break (broke, broken) 破碎,坏掉,打破,违反
break away (from) (……);脱离 (……)
break down (汽车、机器等) 出故障;垮掉;打破;消除;分解
break into 强行闯入;突然……起来
break off (使) 折断;中断
break out (火灾、战争等) 爆发
break up (使) 破碎;(使) 破裂
bring 带来;拿来
bring sb / sth with sb:
Don’t forget to bring an umbrella with you.别忘了随身带把伞。
bring sb sth / bring sth for sb:
Sports can bring us friends. / Sports can bring friends for us.
bring sb / sth to sth / sb:
Can I bring a friend to your birthday party?
bring about 引起;造成
bring along 带来;带上
bring back 把…带回来;使回忆起;使恢复
bring in 引入;赚得
bring out 把……拿出来;使表现出
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A advise 劝告;建议 advise sb to do sth: The doctor advised me to rest for a few days.医生建议我休息几天。 advise doing sth: I strongly advise buying the ticket at once.我强烈建议立刻买票。 allow 允许 allow sb / sth to do sth: People aren’t allowed to eat food on the underground in Nanjing. 在南京,地铁上禁止人们吃东西。 allow sb sth: My father allows himself three cigarettes a day. 我爸爸给自己规定,一天抽三根烟。 ask 询问;要求;请求 ask sb sth: They see a lady. They ask her the way.他们看见一位女士,向她问路。 ask (sb) about sth: They call me about twice a month to ask about my study. 他们每个月给我打两次电话来询问我的学习情况。 ask (sb) to do sth: Kate asks her father to stop smoking.凯特让她的父亲戒烟。 ask (sb) for sth: Now I am writing to ask you for help.我现在写信请你帮忙。 agree 同意;赞同 agree to do sth: Mum and Dad have agreed to have a party at home. 妈妈和爸爸已经同意在家里举办一次聚会。 ● agree on 对……达成一致 ● agree to 赞同;赞成 ● agree with 同意;赞同 B begin (began, begun) 开始;开始进行;开始出现 begin doing / to do sth: Bill began learning / to learn to play the piano at the age of five. 比尔五岁时开始学习弹钢琴。 ● to begin with 首先;第一 believe 相信 it is believed + (that) 从句: It is believed that the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. 人们认为互联网有利也有弊。 believe ... to be sth: She was believed to be the first H7N9 patient in China. 她被认为是中国首例H7N9患者。 ● believe in sb / sth 信任某人 / 相信某事物的存在 ● believe it or not 信不信由你 borrow 借;借入 borrow sth from sb: I borrowed some interesting books from my friend. 我从朋友那里借了一些有趣的书。 break (broke, broken) 破碎,坏掉,打破,违反 ● break away (from) 离开 (……);脱离 (……) ● break down (汽车、机器等) 出故障;垮掉;打破;消除;分解 ● break into 强行闯入;突然……起来 ● break off (使) 折断;中断 ● break out (火灾、战争等) 爆发 ● break up (使) 破碎;(使) 破裂 bring 带来;拿来 bring sb / sth with sb: Don’t forget to bring an umbrella with you.别忘了随身带把