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It is well known to us that the proverb : ()
has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also
in our study . It means ().
The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows.
Generally speaking, the services of___________() you
offer here are quiet good, however , I have some suggestions for your
consideration. I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you
are willing to consider my suggestion.
I was completely disappointed to find that the service you provided
was far from satisfactory.Therefore, I am writing this letter to draw
your attention to the matter in the hope that the present situation
will be improved.
_________()is becoming more and more popular recently.There
are two sides of opinions of it.
Some people say_______(is their favorite.They hold their
view for the reason of_______()
Whats more,_______() is a better choice in the
following three reasons.
_______(),which is becoming more and more
First ,_______......
Confronted with the problem ,we should take a series of effective
measures to cope with the situation.
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谚语警句类作文首段模板 It is well known to us that the proverb :“     (所给出的谚语)” has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study . It means   (谚语的含义). 我们都知道(...谚语),它不仅对我们的工作,而且对我们的学习有着非凡的重要性和价值。它意味着...... The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows. 这个谚语能以下面一系列的例子来加以说明。 建议类作文首段模板 Generally speaking, the services of___________(所提供的建议内容) you offer here are quiet good, however , I have some suggestions for your consideration. I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are willing to consider my suggestion. 大体上说,你所提供的的建议......是相当不错的,然而,我有一些建议,希望你能考虑。如果你愿意把我的建议纳入考虑范围,我将不胜感激。 投诉信作文首段模板 I was completely disappointed to find that the service you provided was far from satisfactory.Therefore, I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the matter in the hope that the present situation will be improved. 我非常失望于你们所提供的服务远不能让人满意。因此我写这封投诉信来引起你们的注意,希望现在的这种情况能够有所改善。 对比观点类作文首段模板 _________(一个观点)is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.  最近......正在变得越来越流行。关于这个观点有两个方面的说法。 Some people say_______(其中一方面)is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of_______(闸述原因) 一些人说(其中一方面)是它们的最爱。它们喜爱的原因是...... What’s more,_______(闸述一个观点) is a better choice in the following three reasons. 此外,接下来的三个理由会说明(另一个观点)是更好地选择。 解决方法类作文首段模板 _______(存在的问题),which is becoming more and more serious._______(说明问题的现状) (存在的问题)变得日益严重,(说明问题的现状)。 First ,_______首先...... Second,_______(举例进一步说明现状).其次...... Confronted with the problem ,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. 面对这样的问题,我们