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1. can
2. :一 3. :特使
. 1.
2. 1)形:其
my father, your teacher ...
2 If you
can't find your hat, take mine (my hat).
. can1.
2. can
3. cannot ()cant ()
4. can .She/They can swim well.
can't/cannot .She/They cannot swim well.
can ?Can she/they swim well?
Yes, can. No, can't/cannot.Yes,
she/they can.No, she/they cant.
can ?Why can
she/they swim well?
?Who can swim well?
1. between ... and ... Lingling sits between Tony and
2. among Miss Li is among lots of students.
. 1. in tomorrowin the future; next
2. beam, is, are going to do
2 be going to
be going to .He is going to spend his
holidays in London.
be not going to .
Be going to Is he going to collect any
data for us?
Yes be.No be not.
go going be going to
3. will shall
2)特 will shall ,之
will notwon′tshall notshant
3)句::主 will/shall .I will/shall do a better
job next time.
will/shall not .
will/shall .Will he help you with your
English tonight?
will/shall .When will you arrive
for America?
. 1.
2. yesterday, last week, last month
, last year , two months ago , the day before
yesterdayin 1990 1990 , in those days
pull-pulled, cook-cooked
e -dtaste-tasted
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初中英语知识汇 1. 词类:物主代词、情态动词 can 和方位介词短语 2. 时态:一般将来时态和一般过去时态 3. 句型:特殊疑问句、祈使句、感叹句和选择疑问句 一 . 物主代词 1. 含义: 表示所属关系, “ 属于谁的 ” 2. 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的关系: ( 1 )形容词性物主代词:其后必须接名词。 my father, your teacher ... ( 2 )名词性物主代词:相当于与之相对应的形容词性物主代词 名词。  If you can't find your hat, take mine (my hat). 二 . 情态动词 can 1. 含义: 表达人或物的能力, “ 能,会 ” 2. 特点: 情态动词 can 没有人称和数的变化,之后要加动词原形。 3. 否定形式: cannot ( 正式用法 ) = can’t ( 口语 ) 4. 句型结构: 肯定句:主语 can 动词原形 其他 . She/They can swim well. 否定句:主语  can't/cannot 动词原形 其他 . She/They cannot swim well. 一般疑问句:情态动词 can 主语 动词原形 其他 ? Can she/they swim well? 一般疑问句答语: Yes,  主语   情态动词 can. 或 No,  主语  can't/cannot. Yes, she/they can.No, she/they can’t. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 情态动词 can 主语 动词原形 其他 ? Why can she/they swim well? 当特殊疑问词是句子的主语时:特殊疑问词+ c an +动词原形 ? Who can swim well? 三 . 介词 1. between ... and ... 在两者之间 Lingling sits between Tony and Daming.  玲玲坐在托尼和大明之间。 2. among 在三者或三者以上之间 Miss Li is among lots of students.  李老师在许多同学中间。 四 . 一般将来时 1. 时间状语: in 一段时间; tomorrow ; in the future; next 时间; this 时间 2. be ( am, is, are ) going to do 的用法。 ( 1 )含义 :计划,打算做某事 ( 2 )句型结构 :一般将来时 be going to 动词原形 肯定句结构:主语 be going to 动词原形 其他 . He is going to spend his holidays in London.  他打算在伦敦度假。 否定句结构:主语 be not going to 动词原形 其他 . 一般疑问句: Be 主语 going to 动词原形 其他? Is he going to collect any data for us?  他会帮我们收集数据吗? 肯定回答: Yes ,主语 be. 否定回答: No ,主语 be not. 注意: 表示计划到某地去,谓语动词 go 与 going 重复,一般只说 be going to 地点 . 3. 由 will 和 shall 引导的一般将来时