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1. meet-met 碰上,遇见 2. those 那些 3. us (宾格) 我们 4. love 爱你
5. above 在……上方 6. go home 回家 7. an email 一封电子邮件 8. run-ran
9. come back 回来 10. be back from ……回来 11. last Sunday 上星期天
12. live in 住在 13. look at 14. ice cream 冰激
15. come with ……一起来 16. hurry up 赶快 17. wait for 等待
18. by bus 乘坐公交车 19. Chinese friend 中国朋友
20. finish 吃完,喝完,用尽 21. drop-dropped 使掉
1. 谈论过去发生事情的句型:
2. 询问过去做过谋私及其回答的句型
-Yes, 主语+did./No, 主语+didn’t.
3. We bought ice creams.
4. I dropped my ice cream on John’s new shoes.
5. You’re back from China.
1. make a shopping list 列一个购物 2. how many 多少(可数名词复数
3. how much 多少(不可数词) 4. half a kilo 公斤 5. need 需要
6. alot of=lots of 许多的 7. lose-lost 丢失 8. any 一些,一点
9. use 使用 10. over there 在那边 11. at the supermarket 超市
12. a kilo 一公 13. two kilos 两公 14. bottle
1. how many +数名? 对可数名词数提问
2. how much +不可数名词? 对不可数名词的数量进
3. We need food for our picnic.(注 for
4. We didnt buy any bananas.
1. at the weekend 在周末 2. lots of places 许多地 3. along the river 沿着河流
4. hour 小时 5. minute 分钟 6. at ten o’clock 10 7. plant 植物
8. have a good day 度过愉快的一天 9. take a boat trip 乘船旅
10. lots of people 许多 11. take photos of 拍照 12. arrive there 到达那里
13. the Great Wall 长城 14. in the morning 早上 15. How 如何,
16. best 17. mountain 18. twenty
1. Where did you go? (询问过去去了哪里)
2. What did you do?(询问过去做了什么)
3. How did you go there?(询问怎么去
4. It took us one hour and twenty minutes.
5. Daming took a photo of his father.
6. They took photos of the mountains with beautiful
flowers and green plants.
1. a pair of shorts 一条短裤 2. What’s the matter? 发生什么事了
3. on the line 在绳上 4. Don't argue. 不要争吵。 5. That’s OK. 没关
6. take-took 拿,取 7. wear 穿 8. on the school bus 在校车上
9. new sports shoes 新的运动鞋 10. lost his bag 丢了他的书包
11. took my T-shirt 拿走我的 T 恤衫 12. wash clothes for me 为我洗衣服
13. buy-bought
1. 让别人不要做某事。Don’t+动词原形
2. 询问别人出了什么事,对他人表示关心
What’s the matter?
3. 对别人道歉的回答:That’s OK.
4. 向别人提出建议:Let’s ++其他
1. crayon 蜡笔 2. begin 3. number
4. give out 分发 5. in the class 在班级里 6. all right
7. on the floor 在地板上 8. happily 幸福地,愉快
9. at the zoo 在动物 10. dance happily 欢快地跳舞
1. How many faces can you see?
2. -How many pupils are there in your class?
-There are forty pupils in my class.
3. 地有……
There are +数量+名词+地点状语.
1. think 想,认为 2. fan 狂热仰慕者, 3. swim-swam 游泳
4. slow 慢的 5. healthy 康的 6. run fast 跑得快
7. catch the ball well 抓球抓得好 8. in the past 在过
9. pass the ball well 传球传得 10. a fantastic goalkeeper 一个极好的守门员
11. climb up 向上爬 12. jump really high/far 跳得/
13. play football/basketball well 玩足球/篮球玩的好
14. want to do 想要
1. 询问对方的能力及回答
-Can he play basketball?
-Yes, he can./ No, he can’t.
2. 价别人和自己
I/he/she/They can+动词原形+well.
3. be good at 擅长 + ing 形式或者直接加
4. 用一般过去时描述曾经发生的事
In the past, he swam very fast.
1. useful 有用 2. TV show 电视节 3. blind 4. deaf 聋的
5. hear 听到 6. fire 火灾 7. kind 友好的,善意的,体贴
8. help a lot 助很 9. do a lot 很多 10. sit down 坐下
11. carry the bag 搬那个 12. have a dog 养一只
1. can’t 述做不到的事情。
This man is blind. He can’tsee.
This little girl can’twalk.
2. Her father helps her. help 表示提供帮助)
3. There’s a TV show about dogs.
4. Last week, there was a fire.
1.time 时间 2. late 迟到的 3. go to bed 上床睡觉 4. do exercise 锻炼
5. getup 起床 6. do homework 做家庭作 7. be late for school 上学迟到
8. in the playground 在操场 9. half past seven 七点
10. skipping rope 跳绳(名词) 11. skip 跳绳(动词)
12. walk to school=go to school on foot 走着去上学
1. 询问几点的句型及答语
-What time is it now? =Whats the time now
-It’s half past eight.
( -What time is it now? -It’s +时间点。)
2. 询问在某个时间做什么的句型及答语。
-What time do you getup?
-I getup at half past seven.
3. I don’t want to be late for school tomorrow.
1. feel bored(无聊)/angry(生气)/sad(难过)/happy(高兴)/tired(疲倦
1. 询问对方的心情并回答
-Are you feeling bored?
-Yes, Iam./No, Imnot.
2. feel cool(凉快)/warm(暖和)/cold(寒冷)/hot(热
3. of course 当然 4. of course not 当然
5. be ill in hospital 生病住院 6. call sb =phone sb 给某人打电话
7. win a chess game 赢了围棋比赛 8. on the farm 在农 9. all day
10. this morning 今天早上 11. nice noodle soup 美味的面条汤
What’s the matter?
What’s wrong with you?
3. 询问某人身体怎么样的句型
-How is my grandma?
-Your grandma is better now.
4.--Is she /he feeling sad?
--Yes, she/he is./ No, she/he isn’t.
1. dangerous 危险 2. in the kitchen 在厨房
3. in the bedroom 在卧室 4. in the toilet 在厕所里
5. in the living room 在客厅里 6. play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏游戏
7. jump on the bed 在床上跳 8. walk on the grass 走在草坪上
9. swim in the lake 在湖里游泳 10. climb the tree 爬树
11. behind the sofa 沙发后 12. won the game 赢得了比赛
13. walk on the grass 在草地上走 14. don’t shout 不要大喊
1. -Where did you find Lingling?
-I found Lingling in the toilet!
2. Is Tom playing with you?
3. He is hiding behind the sofa!
4. He won the game.他赢了。
5. 阻止某人做某的句型。
Don’t walk on the grass.不要在草地上行走。
Don’t shout in the zoo.要在动物园内大声喧哗
Don’t climb the tree.不要爬树。
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五年级上册英语学习指导(词汇、句式表) 重点词汇 重点表达 M1 1.meet-met碰上,遇见2.those那些 3.us(宾格)我们4.love爱你的 5.above在……上方 6.gohome回家7.anemail一封电子邮件8.run-ran跑 9.comeback回来 10.bebackfrom从……回来 11.lastSunday上星期天 12.livein住在 13.lookat看 14.icecream冰激凌 15.comewith与……一起来 16.hurryup赶快 17.waitfor等待 18.bybus乘坐公交车 19.Chinesefriend中国朋友 20.finish吃完,喝完,用尽 21.drop-dropped使掉落 1.谈论过去发生的事情的句型: 主语+动词过去式+其他. 2.询问过去做过谋私及其回答的句型 -Did+主语+动词原形+其他? -Yes,主语+did./No,主语+didn’t. 3.Weboughticecreams. 4.IdroppedmyicecreamonJohn’snewshoes. 5.You’rebackfromChina. M2 1.makeashoppinglist列一个购物单2.howmany多少(可数名词复数) 3.howmuch多少(不可数名词) 4.halfakilo半公斤5.need需要 6.alotof=lotsof许多的 7.lose-lost丢失 8.any一些,一点 9.use使用 10.overthere在那边 11.atthesupermarket在超市 12.akilo一公斤 13.twokilos两公斤 14.bottle瓶子 1.howmany+可数名词…?对可数名词数量提问。 2.howmuch+不可数名词…?对不可数名词的数量进 行提问。 3.Weneedfoodforourpicnic.(注意for) 4.Wedidn’tbuyanybananas. M3 1.attheweekend在周末2.lotsofplaces许多地方3.alongtheriver沿着河流 4.hour小时5.minute分钟6.atteno’clock在10点7.plant植物 8.haveagoodday度过愉快的一天 9.takeaboattrip乘船旅行 10.lotsofpeople许多人 11.takephotosof拍照 12.arrivethere到达那里 13.theGreatWall长城 14.inthemorning在早上15.How如何,怎样 16.best最 17.mountain山 18.twenty二十 1.Wheredidyougo?(询问过去去了哪里) 2.Whatdidyoudo?(询问过去做了什么) 3.Howdidyougothere?(询问怎么去) 4.Ittookusonehourandtwentyminutes. 5.Damingtookaphotoofhisfather. 6.Theytookphotosofthemountainswithbeautiful flowersandgreenplants. M4 1.apairofshorts一条短裤2.What’sthematter?发生什么事了? 3.ontheline在绳上4.Don'targue.不要争吵。5.That’sOK.没关系 6.take-took拿,取 7.wear穿 8.ontheschoolbus在校车上 9.newsportsshoes新的运动鞋 10.losthisbag丢了他的书包 11.tookmyT-shirt拿走我的T恤衫 12.washclothesforme为我洗衣服 13.buy-bought买 1.让别人不要做某事。Don’t+动词原形 2.询问别